Thursday, December 8, 2011

miraculous provision.

God is so good, I can't even describe it.

I bet sometimes He watches me and chuckles, as I scurry around trying to sell everything I own, take on a million babysitting jobs, and sell my plasma (yeah...they won't take it anymore...cause I've been to Haiti. So there you go.)

He was smiling all along. Because He knew that He was about to provide immeasurably more than all I could've asked or imagined.

This trip is completely paid for. So are all my expenses for January-March when I go. Every last penny. Pretty incredible, right? God just did that all on His own. My efforts always fall short, and His work is always so much more beautiful than mine. Thank you, Jesus, that with You there is always enough.

Confirmation. I took a step of faith and bought my plane ticket, not knowing where the rest of the money would come from. And He sent it all, and then some.

Guess what guys?? I'm going to Haiti!!!! (maybe for forever!!)


  1. This text sounds exactly like what I was writing in 1995. May God give you even more and bless you beyond measure. Brings back great memories. Love you Betsy Keane, that little second grader who blessed my heart many, many years ago.

  2. Our God is so BIG! I am so excited for you and SO incredibly proud of you, Betsy. I can't wait to see what God is going to do through you. I love you!
