Monday, December 19, 2011

He moves...and we follow.

My trip to Haiti was, in one word, incredible. The group from Ole Miss was wonderful, and I loved getting to know them. During the week, I had the opportunity to spend valuable time in Anse-e-Pitre building relationships with the kids and their families, learning a tad more of Creole, and receiving clarity about my next steps there.

I met with the Haitian pastors to talk about the needs in their village. They shared with me that there were many children who were unable to pay to go to school. The church was running a school for a time, but due to lack of funding could no longer pay the teachers, so they had to temporarily shut it down. Our dream: to reopen the school in September, and to find sponsors for each of these precious kids so that they can attend. Sponsorship will cover the child's tuition (to pay the teachers), school uniform, books, and all supplies, as well as one meal per school day.

I never imagined any of this. But He moves, and we follow gladly, content to do whatever it takes just to be with Him.

The vision I had about starting a non-profit to do long-term work in Haiti has now become absolutely necessary, in order to receive funds to channel towards this project. I have no idea how all of this is supposed to work, honestly - but I do know that God has provided everything up until now, and I am confident He will continue to do so. Praying for His wisdom and direction, and dreaming big dreams for the future of these children in Anse-e-Pitre....

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