Thursday, February 11, 2010


the snowing is just started a bit ago. supposedly we're going to get 4-6 inches, but i'll believe it when i see it. i have been inside all day as i woke up this morning feeling extremely under the weather (and how sad to be under this weather!)....i am hoping that classes will indeed be cancelled, or at least that enough snow will fall to make it reasonable/excusable for me to not commute to campus. i made preparations for a long day inside by renting movies and getting milk (to go with the cookies i plan to bake, yeah yeah). even though i slept a ton today i think i'm about to do that some more.

i just have to say that it is really nice to be living at home again.
i have time to rest and room to feels good.

sunday afternooon i am preparing to take my first sunday afternoon nap in 1 year and 8's going to be glorious!! :) sunday will be sabbath once again. i love it.

for now, that is all....goodnight little world.

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