Tuesday, January 20, 2009


is very new to me. all of this. i have no clue about when to say things, what to say, or how to say them....the same goes with actions. i think i am failing, miserably even. g helped me a lot at work today by simply sharing with me from his own experience. i am so glad that he and i have gotten to be friends. what a blessing. i love our little talks before the kids arrive every day. his words calmed my spirit, he promised it was normal to be confused and unsure and to stumble through these things. which is good. cause i'm confused, unsure, and stumbling. 

thank God for...well, God. what an amazing Jesus i have. without Him my life would be crumbling, and perhaps not even in existence right now. i need to focus on this. 

You're the center of the universe, everything was made in You, Jesus. breath of every living thing, everyone was made for You. You hold everything together, You hold everything together....oh Christ, be the center of our lives, be the place we fix our eyes, be the center of our lives....

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