Tuesday, December 9, 2008

i've learned

about stopping for the one. this is difficult to do. a lot of times i don't hear the Holy Spirit. and then when i do, sometimes i don't want to obey. but the few encounters i've had over the past week where i did hear and i chose to listen have been truly amazing. being used by God is the best thing in the world. i want it every day. i want Jesus' love to flow out of me to every mario and aubrey out there....

it's been a week today since i returned from africa. most of that time is just a blur of happenings, and sorting through those has made trying to process my trip even more difficult. things there are so incredibly different....people are different. i know God is the same but even His presence seems different there. i want that africa feeling back. i can't explain it. tonight at amy and david's they let me look at all their pictures and it really got to me. i need to stop thinking about it before i get upset....

there are some good things going on here, though. strange but good. and i know this is where i belong. so i'm trying to be content, whatever the circumstances. i just need some help.

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