Monday, November 15, 2010


So often in these situations, I want to quit. Throw in the towel. Give up completely. I replay in my mind time after time when I've been in the exact same moment, dealing with the same pain, the same disappointment. I wonder if it'll ever go away, or more importantly, if it's even worth waiting out to see. I feel desperate, and worse, I feel alone.

And every time, without fail, Jesus, you step in. You speak words of love to me. You remind me that you will never leave or forsake me. That you are the lifter of my head, and the strength of my life. That you are with me. That you will sustain me. That you hear me. That you care. That you are working things out, even though I may not see it just yet.

And that is more than enough for me.

For your faithfulness, Jesus, thank you. I absolutely adore you.

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