Monday, October 20, 2008

what would you consider spiritual sprinting?

my new friend asks me.

i told him i wasn't sure. i know what it would feel like, but i'm not sure i know how it actually plays out in my life.

i'm not doing it, i can tell you that much. because i know what physical sprinting feels like, and my spirit is not there.

oh, how i want to be.

is it possible to sprint continually? in human strength it would be physically impossible to physically run all the time. but in the strength of the Lord, nothing is impossible.

my mind wants to say it is, though. it keeps coming back to my faith. oh, my tiny little faith. so small. so feeble. not even a mustard seed.

Lord, i believe. help me in my unbelief!

i want to sprint. i want it so bad.

1 comment:

  1. When considering the walk (or run!) of our salvation, I've thought about the distance run but never the sprint. The long haul I'm familiar with-- perseverance, endurance, keeping-on keeping-on. But sprinting- short and exhausting, yet exhilarating. Both require strength. The first over a long period of time, the latter over a short one. I agree with you-through faith we can be both: both sprinters and long-distance runners. So I wonder, what sprints have you run lately? What are some of the long-distance runs of your life
