Tuesday, October 28, 2008

to seek and to save

the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. - luke 19:10

i've never in my life felt so desperate for the soul of another human being. never longed so much for the salvation of another. maybe it's because her salvation is not merely spiritual, but very physical and tangible also.

this is what i should be feeling constantly. this IS the mind of Christ.

i was really burdened earlier, really anxious. i started praying and reading the Word. i read the story of the lost sheep. how this one sheep was so valuable that the shepherd goes out searching for it, and when he finds it, puts it on his shoulders rejoicing. and then calls everyone together to tell them about finding his lost sheep, to get them to celebrate with him.

Jesus does that for us.

i'm overwhelmed by the thought of this. because despite our condition - the filthy sin in our lives, our wandering away, how we are nothing without him - He still loves us so much that He goes out searching. and then rejoices when He finds us.

seeking and saving. wow.

Jesus, You are good. and You CAME to seek and save. you CAME to give abundant life. that was Your entire purpose. so i believe You for that now. just do what You do, Jesus. nothing is impossible to You, praise Your holy name! seek and save, Jesus. seek and save. and show me what my part in this is. i love You.

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