Monday, March 8, 2010

ooh wee

today was crazy long. overslept and was in a huge rush. parked in the closest lot so i could make it to my 8 o'clock, and of course got a ticket. went to class and bombed a quiz. went to tutor and had nothing prepared for my tutees. went to work and had a ton of volunteers, in front of whom four of my kids acted up in extraordinary fashion and had to be disciplined big time. went to bible club and felt like i was in another world the whole time. and then finally, went to our college night and was probably an incredible hindrance to all intelligent discussion....then ended up wandering around downtown jackson, ran into a man named raymond, and ended up getting him some food and a place to stay for the night. finally, at the very end of my day, i found my purpose in it. so this day was not a total waste. thank God.

in other news, i'm really enjoying my new camera and trying to use it everyday. here's a few shots from today:

spring is nearly here! i have proof!! :)

this was his "your joke isn't funny and makes no sense" face. i love it. what a great kid. a little bit unruly, but great nonetheless.

there you have it. my day. and now, at long last, goodnight.

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