Saturday, April 25, 2009

it's different when you sleep there.

and that's the truth. before i could come and go, but now i'm here and here i stay. it hasn't even been a full week yet and i feel a bit of tension....this is what it means to die to self. just let go of all of my own desires and wishes and let him do his thing. follow.

i'm hoping that soon i'll have a lot to write about my experiences here. this week begins a year of ministry in the inner city. this week begins a new chapter of my life. i don't really know what all that means (and it's good not to know, i've decided).

i miss africa. and mexico. i want to know where i'm going. mali? kameroon? mozambique? atlacomulco?

please, please, please show me. please.

p.s. - THIS made my day:

mr. watson is in good hands now. and i have a picture to prove it. thanks, jared :)

africa, i miss you. my heart longs for you. bring me back.

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