Tuesday, November 4, 2008

playing dirty

is what Satan does. i think it's all he knows how to do.

he prowls around like a lion, waiting for someone to devour. and he waits until i'm weak to come after me. physically weak, usually. when i'm tired. like today. today he came against me full force. thank you God for the sword of Your Spirit, my one tried and true defense.

whatever, Satan. please. this is so out of your hands. just give up already. or if you don't, be prepared for a fight. i'm still standing. in the name and power of Jesus Christ, i'm still standing. when i am weak, He is strong. so hit me with your best shot.

1 comment:

  1. My Aunt Peggy wrote this in a letter to me recently. Her words seem fitting to share here,

    "Satan can't touch us apart from God allowing him to. To toughen up our confidence in HIS (GOD'S) deliverence, wherein, with Job we can say, 'Tho he slay me yet will I TRUST Him.'"

    Wise words; wise woman.

    love you!
