Sunday, July 12, 2009

"come to me...

....all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and i will give you rest." - matthew 11:28

true story. Jesus, you kept your promise. i love you.

Friday, July 10, 2009

i have no idea

what the future holds for me. but i know who holds my future. and i LOVE him. and i trust him. he always provides for me and protects me. and he always surprises me and takes me on adventures and amazes me. so....i'm really really excited about spending the rest of my life with him.

this is my heart today.

speaking of hearts, i had a heart-to-heart with ro at work today....God just gave me words for that little boy and i know he was listening to me. i think we had a breakthrough. i am praying that things change for him here soon.

i have this feeling in my spirit that a lot of things are about to change soon. it's stirring up inside me. it's like a fire in my bones. i'm weary of holding it in; indeed, i cannot......

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

psalm 119:11

i have hidden your word in my heart, that i might not sin against you.

because....out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


your love is many things to me
but fickle it is not
unlike affection others bring
yours was dearly bought
not by the doings of my hands
was your favor won
no, blood was spilt on my behalf
by a most beloved son
and when you look at my heart now
it's drenched in his suffering
and you offer me forgiveness
because with him you are pleased

Monday, July 6, 2009

i am loving.....

the cooler weather and the rain today, afternoon naps, the newest mat kearney cd, the fact that i'm about to see two friends from high school that i haven't seen in years, coffee, my mexico necklace, and how summer is winding down in the most perfect fashion this year.....

the simple things have brought me great joy today. and every good and perfect gift comes from above.....

so for that, Jesus, i just want to say: thank You. You are good.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

good things

are happening all over the place here lately. i can't even count them all.

i know that i'm not supposed to go back to mexico again this summer, although it would be feasible. this disappoints me a lot...but i also know that it is because God has something for me here during those three work-free weeks, so i'm trying not to be a baby about it. pastor jeff talked about how babies are so precious, until they don't get their way, and then they scream their heads off, expecting someone to meet their need and NOW...."God has a lot of children who are babies and have been that way much too long," he said. one sign of spiritual immaturity is seeing God merely as an instrument to achieve what i want. i don't want to be like that. so i'm opening my eyes to see what i can do here :)

i need more discipline in my life. i need a spiritual trainer. like one of those new-age gurus, only a they make those? either way, before the end of this summer i'm going to whip into shape.

i love you, Jesus. and i'm going to show it better.