Wednesday, March 25, 2009

that last one was so dark...

...and i wasn't even feeling that way. i need to write something new, it's time. it's time for many new things, and there's really no need to be scared. i trust you, God.

heart healer
i place all of mine
in the only hands
that can hold it how it needs.
don't let go.
and i promise
i won't take it back this time.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

a poem.

nighttime is your best escape.
darkness masks dark circles 
from too many hours awake. 
close your eyes tight and pray that you don't dream.
no need for reminders
of unattainable things. 
maybe tonight your heart will slow and cease.
a heart can't ache if it can't even beat.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

fell in love in mexico

what an amazing trip. i never imagined that it would be so beautiful. i'm counting the days until i can return (hopefully only 49!) and working on my spanish....i think maybe this is it. this is the place God wants me to be?! it's hard to say but it's certainly a very real possibility.

i miss it...everything about it. especially the people. there's something very special and dear to my heart there. i want to call it my home.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

big enough

i question are you big enough, and i wonder are you strong enough
to help me even stand
and i wish i had more faith in you
even though i know what you've brought me through
i want to understand
where we're going with this plan.....

(thank you casey combest)